Lesson 12 - Electricity-Class 10 Science Notes

Electricity electricity class X Concept of electric charges:- When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, electrons move from glass rod to silk therefore, the glass rod acquires a positive charge as it becomes deficient of electrons and silk will acquire negative charge as the amount of negative charge in it increases. When an ebonite rod is rubbed with wool, electrons move from wool to ebonite rod. Therefore, the ebonite rod acquires a negative charge as it receives more electrons and wool acquires positive charge as it becomes deficient of electrons. So, due to this concept of friction, the concept of charges came in to notice. And further, coulomb was the one who gave more information about the charges. Charge:- Like mass, the charge is the fundamental property of matter by which a substance become electrified. It is denoted by 'q'. Its S.I. unit is 'Coulomb'. Units of charge:...