Day from any date without code
Find Day from any given Date Hello dear students, If you are preparing for any compitative examination like SSC, Bank, Railway, TET, TGT, PGT etc or any other compitative exam, then this post will be very helpful to you. After learning this trick you can find Day of any date without any code. Before starting, we should know some basic concepts:- Day:- A time of 24 hours is known as a day. Week:- This is the time of 7 days. or a group of 7 days make a week. 1. Sunday 2. Monday 3. Tuesday 4. Wednesday 5. Thursday 6. Friday 7. Saturday Month:- A month contains 30 or 31 days but February has 28 or 29 days. If we divide a month into week then we can get some week and extra days. e.g.- January has 31 days. If we convert it into week then we can easily calculate 31=7×4+3 As you can see there is 4 weeks and 3 extra days in the month of January Sr. Month ...